Monday, January 20, 2014

Meatless Monday- Philly "Steak" sandwiches

Before the pregnancy, I began to eat vegan at least once a week, maybe more. There was an excellent restaurant in San Diego called Sipz that we would frequent plus I would sign up for any of the Spork Girls cooking classes that were held at a local cooking store. Anyway, I've only recently begun cooking vegan again. Tonight, I made "steak" sandwiches.

The recipe is simple! I made the whole thing in about 15 minutes. 
First, cut up some peppers and mushrooms, and add them to a pan with a little oil of your choice (I use Grapeseed oil).
Add a pat or so of Earth's Best butter for flavor and cook these for a few minutes to soften. 

to the pan with some herbs. I added Thyme, a little Sumac, Worcestershire sauce and Balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper; and cook a little longer until the meat gets a good caramelization going. You may need to add a bit more oil. I put the mixture into Naan but it would taste just as good in any bread especially a bulky roll.  I did add some shredded Cheddar at the end but to keep in true Vegan form use a vegan cheese or forgo the cheese all together. 


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